Helpful Hints

Enhanced Password Security
In order to enhance the security of your account information, all users who access the BNY Mellon 401(k) website directly via the Internet (as opposed to Single Sign-on) will be required to change their password and to set up a Username. Passwords must be alphanumeric and be between 8 and 20 characters long. The new password must include at least one upper-case letter, one lower-case letter and one number. Passwords will expire after 60 days and previous passwords will not be allowed for 12 changes.

Forgot your password?
If you have forgotten your password and have not set up security questions, please click on the "Forgot Password?" link to have a password sent via U.S. mail. If you have previously set up security questions, you will be able to create your password online by answering your security questions and verifying your date of birth.

Screen Resolution:
Best viewed at a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.

Navigation tip:
While visiting this site, do not use your browser's "Back" button to view a previous screen. After logging out, close the browser window to protect your data.

Troubleshooting pop-up windows:
If you are having difficulty launching certain content within our Web site such as Adobe .pdf files and external URLs that open a separate browser window, you may need to disable your pop-up blocker. If you have a pop-up blocker enabled, it is possible that various documents accessed on this site will not open properly as they require pop-up functionality.

To adjust your computer's pop-up settings in Internet Explorer, open a browser window, navigate to the Tools menu, choose Pop-up Blocker, and then click "Pop-up Blocker Settings". If you wish to view pop-up windows from a particular Web site, type the address (URL) of the site in the Address of Web site to allow box and click "Add".

If you use a toolbar that runs in Internet Explorer such as Yahoo!, Google, or AOL, or if you use the Mozilla Firefox or Netscape Web browser, please contact your Account Manager for additional information.